Tuesday 23 March 2010

2 days of Merchandiser's Assistant

Last Friday i went for work as Merchandiser's Assistant. I went to Giant at parkway parade. I took bus 966 from woodlands regional interchange straight to parkway. The Merchandiser is a nice guy, having patience with me and teaching me. I accidentally pushed the trolley too fast and it banged on a Senior Merchandiser's foot and the skin came off. She was experiencing much pain but she was not angry with me. I was scared LOL. The 2nd day is yesterday, also at parkway but i reached there at 7am. I wake up 5am yesterday to catch the first bus at 5.45am. zzzz. i am not going to accept any assignments too far away from woodlands. Another incident happened yesterday...while arranging the salad dressing i accidentally broke a glass can of mayonnaise oops. Lucky no need to pay. TML got back result already!! OMG..