Friday, 18 May 2012
Personality Research
There are many hundreds and thousands of different personalities in this world. However we can have a general grouping of personalities. Let me explain the difference between loud and quiet people.
Type 1: Loud
Under loud it can be further classified into groups:
A) Loud and Easygoing (this type of people talk loudly and goes with the crowd, they are
mostly kind-hearted souls)
B) Loud and Difficult (this type of people talk loudly and insist on his own ways, often
calculative and selfish)
C) Loud and Idealistic (this type of people talk loudly and have their own ideas. Their ideas are often constructive. These are leaders)
D) Loud and Afraid (this type of people talk loudly and condemn people to protect their own weakness. They make use of others to cover their cowardly self)
E) Loud and Inaccurate (this type of people talk loudly about things but most of it doesn't happen that way)
Type 2: Quiet
Under quiet it can also be further classified into groups:
A) Quiet and Abiding (this type of people follow things law by law. They are often honest people and will be stepped over and criticized by some insensitive souls.)
B) Quiet and Self-centered (this type of people often only think about themselves and little do they communicate with others)
C) Quiet and Steady (although this type of people doesn't talk much, they are trustworthy, compassionate and also have his ideas sometimes. Their benevolence will cause many to like him, except those few bad apples who like to take advantage of their benevolence and their good temper)
D) Quiet Hidden Dragon (this type of people does not talk much and express his ideas to others. They lack confidence to express but in actual fact their ideas are the most valuable. These silent leaders will surely succeed next time)
Other than quiet and loud, there are other personalities too.
Type 3: Others
A) Kind (forgiveness, selfless. often bullied by small people)
B) Honest (straight forward, will not hide anything.)
C) Selfish (after doing everything, he must have the benefit)
D) Dishonest (tell lies and do things secretively)
E) Arrogant (always think he will do better than others and thinks that others are doing things under expectation)
F) Backstbbers (backstab to protect himself and to get what he want)
G) Bad-mouthers (talk bad things behind people back, ruin people reputation. talk about things that never happen)
H) Cunning (they will observe the situation and adapt to it, so he will be safe and will not be condemned by others. sometimes will hurt sensitive people. this type of people are smart and will change into many personalities to adapt to the environment, either to make himself known to others or to protect himself)
That is all.Of course there are many other personality but it is too long to explain every single one. You fall into which category? it is time to change if you fall into some bad personality types. One person can have 2 or more personality kinds mixed together.
If in your life you meet good people, appreciate it. You meet bad people, learn from him that you will not become him, also appreciate it because he gave you a chance to learn.